bank should be very careful in entertainment a new customer. For this purpose,
the bank may follow the procedure given below:
of application : the application should fill in the prescribed from the opening
of account available in the concern bank. Bank keep different form the
individuals, as partnership firm, companies. The application should be fill in
the relevant form and mention his name, occupation, full address, specimen
signature and other particular require by the bank. The application has also to
declare the he will be bound by the bank
rule for the time being in force for the conduct of the concern account.
signature: the application is required to give his specimen signature on a card
meant for this purpose. This will help to protect the bank against forgery.
cash: when the above formalities are completed, the bank will agree to open an
account in the name of the application. Before the opening the account, the
customer must deposit the maximum initial deposit in cash. In cash of saving
account, the maximum deposit of $500, if no check book is quire.
of pass book: A pass book is issue by the bank to the customer after the account
has been allocated. The pass book contain the record of the transaction between
the bank and customer. It is call the pass book because use it frequently pass
between the bank and the customer.
Form used in
operation of bank account.
bank account mean that the customer deposit a sum of money in near future and
withdrawn money from the account according to the needs. The following forms
can be used for the operation of the bank account :
Book : A cheque book contain bank cheque forms which can be used by the
customer to withdraw the money from bank or his account. The cheque book is
serially the numbered and these numbers are enter into the cheque book register
of the bank and also record in the bank ledger.
book: A pass book is a book in which the banker keep a full record of
customer’s account. It is written by the bank. And hence it essential for the
customer to send it periodically to the bank, so that up to date entries may be
enters by the bank.
Insurance of
bank deposit:
bank deposit insurance mean giving a guarantee if the bank fails. The need for
such guarantee has been arisen after the failure of the several bank on account
of inadequate capital, unsound banking practis.
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