News are very important for all people in the share general knowledge to each other because it help us to know about hot event in the world. And We can get the best time from it so like that: trips to other place, visit the new place, finding the best solution education, meeting time, etc.
the newspaper is a good for the student of my age, because I am in primary six
and from next year, I shall being to lasted real education. There are many
benefit derived from reading newspapers.
reading is the best benefit and helps me to improve my English. whenever, I
come across the new word. I usually underline it and refer to the dictionary.
This newspaper reading not only strengthens my vocabulary but also improve my
English and broadens my out-look.
school boy like me gets more benefit by reading newspaper. I also keep myself
well inform with world event and improve my general knowledge .
supper primary school student, we should not more be like frogs in the well.
But we must also keep ourselves well inform. Needless to say that we do not
reads newspaper are like the blind and the deaf. So it is advisable for all of
us to read newspaper daily.
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